Thursday, November 10, 2005

Suspicious Activity on Tejas Trail -- Now on Video!

Here's the KVUE report on the "Suspicious Activity on Tejas Trail" -- click on the title above, and look for the title "Sex Party Angers Neighborhood". (Right now you should be able to find it right under "PETA Protests Against Turkey".) Our street is only about 2 blocks long -- this house is across the street and down one block.

Gee, when I bought this place I thought, "hmmm, walking distance to Central Market South" -- this could be the next trendy Austin neighborhood, but instead, we're a red light district!

The news clip didn't give my quote, "Well, I'm upset because I heard they didn't recycle," but then again, they didn't interview me. I'm also upset because this is a business enterprise. Whatever became of Free Love?

It does look like perhaps they are moving out -- for the first time in months, there has been someone there during the week, and all of the lights to the place have been on. (or perhaps they have a large enough clientele for "middle of the week" parties?)

1 comment:

gl. said...

alas, the video doesn't work for me. too bad they got run out: i didn't realize texas was so squeamish. ;)